Rational Expressions
A rational expression is an expression of the form , where and are polynomials, and . In particular, if is a nonzero constant, becomes a polynomial, so polynomials are also rational expressions.
A rational expression that is not a polynomial is called a fractional expression.
Properties of Rational Expressions
For three polynomials , , and ( and ):
Arithmetic Operations of Rational Expressions
For four polynomials , , , and ( and ):
Addition :
Subtraction :
Multiplication :
Division : with
Commutative and associative properties hold for addition and multiplication of rational expressions.
Calculations for Special Forms of Rational Expressions
When (the degree of the numerator) (the degree of the denominator), divide the numerator by the denominator to rewrite it as a sum of a polynomial and a rational expression where the degree of the numerator is less than that of the denominator.
For calculations involving more than four rational expressions, group pairs simplify the process.
If the denominator is a product of multiple factors, use partial fraction decomposition: (with ).
For rational expressions involving another rational expression in the numerator or denominator, simplify as follows:
Rational expressions containing another fractional expression in either the numerator or denominator are called nested fractions.
Rational Functions
Rational Functions
A function where is a rational expression in is called a rational function. If is a polynomial in , the function is called a polynomial function.
Domain of a Rational Function : If the domain is not specified, it is assumed to be all real numbers except where the denominator equals zero.
Graph of the Rational Function
The domain and range are all real numbers except zero.
If , the graph lies in the first and third quadrants.
If , the graph lies in the second and fourth quadrants.
The graph is symmetric with respect to the origin and the lines and .
The asymptotes are the -axis () and the -axis ().
As increases, the graph moves farther from the origin.
Graph of the Rational Function
The graph of is the graph of translated by units in the -direction and units in the -direction.
Domain : real numbers such that Range : real numbers such that
The asymptotes are the lines and .
The graph is symmetric with respect to the point .
The graph is symmetric with respect to two lines and through with slopes .
Graph of the Rational Function
The graph of is obtained by rewriting it in the form
Asymptotes : and
The graph is symmetric with respect to the point
Finding the Inverse of the Rational Function
[Method 1]
Solve for , that is, rewrite it as .
Swap and to obtain .
[Method 2] Using the formula
The inverse of is , where the signs and positions of and are reversed.
Example 1. Find the value of if the graph of the function and the graph of are symmetric about the straight line .
(Note that and are constants.)
The two functions are inverse to each other since their graphs are symmetric about the straight line .
From ,
If we replace and with each other,
Since , we have ,
Example 2. Find the value of if the graph of the function and the graph of are symmetric about the straight line .
(Note that and are constants.)
The two functions are inverse to each other since their graphs are symmetric about the straight line .
From ,
If we replace and with each other,
Since , we have ,