An expression that uses an equals sign to represent the relationship between quantities is called an equation.
In an equation, the part on the left side of the equals sign is called the left-hand side (LHS), and the part on the right side is the right-hand side (RHS). Together, they are referred to as the both sides of the equation.
For example, the statement “The perimeter of a square with a side length of cm is cm” can be expressed as the equation:
Consider the equation . By substituting , , , and into the equation and checking if the LHS equals the RHS, we get:
Value of
Value of LHS
Value of RHS
True or False
Value of x Value of LHS Value of RHS True or False
1 3xx1+1=4 10 False
2 3xx2+1=7 10 False
3 3xx3+1=10 10 True
4 3xx4+1=13 10 False
An equation that is true for some values of and false for others is called an equation in .
The variable in such an equation is referred to as the unknown.
A value of the unknown that makes the equation true is called a solution or root of the equation.
The process of finding the solution is called solving the equation.
On the other hand, an equation like is true for all values of . Such an equation, which is always true regardless of the value of , is called an identity.
Properties of Equations
If , the following properties hold:
Adding the same number to both sides preserves equality:
Subtracting the same number from both sides preserves equality:
Multiplying both sides by the same number preserves equality:
Dividing both sides by the same non-zero number preserves equality:
Linear Equations
Using the properties of equations, moving a term from one side of an equation to the other by changing its sign is called transposing.
For example, in the equation , transposing the term from the RHS to the LHS gives:
Here, the LHS is a linear expression.
An equation that can be simplified to the form:
where there is exactly one unknown, is called a linear equation or simply a linear equation.