1. Indefinite Integral
    1. Definition of Indefinite Integral
      If the derivative of a function is , i.e.,

      then is called the indefinite integral of . It is denoted by the symbol
    2. If is one of the indefinite integrals of the function , then it can be written as
      In this case, is called the integrand, is the constant of integration, and is the integration variable. The process of finding the indefinite integral of is referred to as integrating , and the method of doing so is called integration.
  2. Relationship Between Indefinite Integral and Differentiation
    1. (Where is the constant integration)

  3. Indefinite Integral of the Function
    when is a positive integer:

    (where is the constant of integration)

  4. Indefinite Integral of Scalar Multiples, Sums, and Differences of Functions
    For two functions and :
    1. (where, is a non-zero real constant)