Limits of Functions

  1. Properties of Limits of Functions
    For two functions and , where the limits and exist:
    1. (where is a constant)
    2. (where )

  2. Calculating the Limit of a Function
    1. Indeterminate form :
      1. If both the numerator and denominator are polynomials, factorize both and then cancel common factors.
      2. If either the numerator or denominator involves a radical, rationalize the radical expression.
    2. Indeterminate form :
      1. If (degree of numerator) (degree of denominator), the limit is the ratio of the leading coefficients.
      2. If (degree of numerator) (degree of denominator), the limit is .
      3. If (degree of numerator) (degree of denominator), the function diverges to or .

    3. Indeterminate form :
      1. For polynomials, factor out the highest degree term.
      2. For expressions involving radicals, rationalize the side with the radical.
    4. Indeterminate form :
      Convert into forms such as , , , or (where is a constant).

  3. Determining Unknown Coefficients
    For two functions and :
    1. If (where is a real number) and , then .
    2. If (where is a non-zero real number) and , then .

  4. Comparison of Limits of Functions
    For three functions , , , and for all real numbers close to :
    1. If and both and exist, then .
    2. If and (where is a real number), then